Lessons from the 'Strong Voice - Strong Performance' Workshop with Kat Wulff

When I signed up for the "Strong Voice - Strong Performance" workshop with Kat Wulff (on the picture), I wasn’t sure what to expect. The invitation promised lessons on grounding, managing nerves, and finding the natural depth of our voices—but it turned out to be so much more. Fast forward to the workshop day: eleven women from across the company gathered in an intimate, supportive circle. By the end, we weren’t just colleagues—we had become a team. And yes, we even ended the day singing and dancing together with full confidence! Here’s why it was such a memorable experience.
What was the workshop about?
The workshop focused on helping women discover the natural power of their voices. We learned that many women speak an octave higher than their natural pitch, often due to nerves, and how grounding techniques can help us calm down and communicate more effectively. These weren’t just tips for public speaking—they were tools to improve everyday interactions, both at work and beyond. What really made the workshop stand out, though, was the safe space it created. It wasn’t just about voice training—it was about opening up, sharing personal challenges, and lifting each other up. That connection made all the difference.
Why it matters for work and life
Public speaking can be intimidating, and I’ve often felt nervous speaking up in meetings. This workshop taught me practical techniques to manage that, like deep breathing to ground myself and vocal exercises to release jaw tension (great for anyone with bruxism!). One surprising insight? Higher-pitched voices can unintentionally make us seem less confident. Learning to find my natural pitch was empowering, and it’s made a big difference in how I communicate.
This is our wonderful trainer Kat Wulff
A day of connection and confidence
The techniques were helpful, but what really stood out was the emotional bond we formed. The instructor created a judgment-free space where we could be honest and vulnerable. By the end of the day, we’d shared laughs, stories, and even some tears. It was uplifting and inspiring. The highlight? Singing a song together at the end. standing in a circle, letting go of self-consciousness and just singing. It was empowering, liberating, and the perfect way to end the day.
Why I’m grateful CoFa offers workshops like this
This experience was special because it showed that CoFa cares about more than just productivity—it cares about personal growth and well-being. Workshops like this help build confidence, connection, and a sense of belonging. They’re a reminder that we’re not just employees—we’re individuals with voices that matter.
My key takeaways
If you ever have the chance to attend a workshop like this, do it. Here’s what I learned: • Grounding techniques can transform your confidence. • Finding your natural voice pitch is empowering. • Safe spaces foster personal growth. • Singing with your colleagues is surprisingly therapeutic! To anyone considering CoFa as their next employer: you’re not just joining a company—you’re joining a team that values you and invests in your growth. What about you? Have you ever thought about how your voice shapes how others see you—or even how you see yourself?
written by Maria Silva, Office Manager